
Christopher - Astrology

Season 1 Episode 2

A professional astrologer for forty-five years, Christopher also taught comparative religion and mystical studies at universities, while advising governments and businesses on communication. Author of five books (praised by a range of people from the Dalai Lama and Stephen Covey to Marianne Williamson and Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko), he has also been a book editor and reviewer, a marketing manager, and a small publisher. He has given talks in England, Canada and all over the United States, including the Omega Institute and the New York Open Center.


strology is a symbol system that helps understand patterns, not the planets causing anything to happen. It's not fate. Astrology has been practiced by famous scientists and literary characters throughout history. Every culture in history has had a pattern reading system. Astrology can be a useful tool for understanding patterns and strategizing in life. The younger generation is becoming more interested in astrology as a tool. Astrology is an ancient symbol system that has been used for thousands of years. It combines science and philosophy to explain destiny and purpose. There are different types of astrology, including traditional, metaphysical, and psychological astrology. Transformative astrology focuses on personal transformation and understanding one's soul code. In this conversation, Chris discusses the astrological shifts happening in the world and how they can impact individuals and society. He explains the transition from Martian skills to Venusian and Libran skills, emphasizing diplomacy, connection, beauty, and balance. Chris also talks about the influence of Jupiter in Taurus, which brings a restful and healing energy. He discusses the different types of astrological readings and how they can provide insights into a person's past, present, and future. Chris highlights the importance of understanding patterns and potentials in astrology and how individuals can work with them. He also touches on the significance of Pluto moving into Aquarius and the potential for a shift towards more humanitarian and community-oriented values.


Astrology, symbol system, patterns, fate, tool, history, culture, destiny, purpose, traditional astrology, metaphysical astrology, psychological astrology, transformative astrology, astrology, astrological shifts, Martian skills, Venusian skills, Libran skills, diplomacy, connection, beauty, balance, Jupiter in Taurus, restful year, healing year, astrological readings, patterns, potentials, Pluto in Aquarius, humanitarian values, community-oriented values


  • Astrology is a symbol system that helps understand patterns, not the planets causing anything to happen.
  • Astrology has been practiced by famous scientists and literary characters throughout history.
  • Every culture in history has had a pattern reading system.
  • Astrology can be a useful tool for understanding patterns and strategizing in life.
  • The younger generation is becoming more interested in astrology as a tool.
  • Astrology is an ancient symbol system that has been used for thousands of years.
  • There are different types of astrology, including traditional, metaphysical, and psychological astrology.
  • Transformative astrology focuses on personal transformation and understanding one's soul code. Astrological shifts can impact individuals and society, influencing skills and values.
  • The transition from Martian skills to Venusian and Libran skills emphasizes diplomacy, connection, beauty, and balance.
  • Jupiter in Taurus

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